Oveta McInnis is from an educational background, having taught science for 40 years with 27 years in school leadership. As chair of Enfield Caribbean Association (ECA), she has sought to develop the charity to have an impact in the borough of Enfield. ECA provide services to black African and Caribbean communities in Enfield. She led the befriending service for two years before the pandemic. ECA also provide a weekly luncheon club and weekly exercise class for the elderly Caribbean community and friends in Edmonton. Participation has continued to increase over the past two years. The organisation run Black History month events and celebrate Windrush day. She has led the production of two books Windrush Voices:20 Stories of Determination and Triumph and Windrush Wonders: Stories of Travel and Triumph. Oveta has worked strategically with organisation in the borough including public health, primary care and local community and faith groups in Enfield to develop and implement initiatives such increasing vaccine uptake in the black community and addressing the health disparities. She was an advocate for the vaccine take up, and participated in promotional videos, webinars and in the production of publicity flyers.
Oveta McInnis